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+358 44 366 89 11

I've taken pictures for a long time, different faces in different places.
I lived in Spain for a couple of years, but currently I'm back in my hometown Helsinki.
People, portraits and events are the things I shoot mostly, but I’m interested in all kind of projects.
I have much more photos in the archives, please ask for a customized portfolio.
You can also check my Instagram @katsalmi.
⋅ 2017-2018 Keuda Pasila - Videography
⋅ 2012-2013 Istituto Europeo di Design - Master of photography
⋅ 2008-2011 Pekka Halosen akatemia - Photography
⋅ 2007-2008 Laajasalon opisto - Graphic communication
⋅ 'Curiosity / Fear', Berlin 2013
⋅ 'Private Faces Public / 11x11', PHotoEspaña, Madrid 2013
⋅ '988 pirouettes until the zero hour', Karjaa/ Helsinki/ Vantaa 2012
⋅ 'Piirtokulma', Kamera galleria, Helsinki 2011
⋅ 'Pulssi', Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki 2011
⋅ TAIKE - Taiteen edistämiskeskus, 2022
⋅ TAIKE - Taiteen edistämiskeskus, 2021 x 2
⋅ Patricia Seppälän säätiö, 2021
⋅ TAIKE - Taiteen edistämiskeskus, 2020
⋅ Ministry for Foreign Affairs (FI), 2019
⋅ Svenska kulturfonden, 2012
⋅ IED Madrid, Masterclass of Photography, 2011
⋅ P.K Jaskari, 2011
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